2008年6月11日 星期三



前幾天我在網路上面蒐集有關世界各國展覽概況的資料時,在搜尋引擎打上「Global Exhibitions」,一頁一頁的資料像噴水池一樣的湧出來,起初讓我感受到網路的便利性,不過慢慢的發現真正有用的資料可說是少之又少。後來看到ttnet.net這幾個字出現在我的螢幕上,ttnet.net是什麼?我相信很多人跟我有一樣的疑問吧!點進去看才發現原來是個B to B的網路平台,又叫做文筆商貿網,有英文站中文繁體中文簡體網站供全球的使用者瀏覽,顛覆以往媒體網站規劃的雜亂,ttnet.net這個商貿網站以簡單的色調搭配上清楚且使用者友善的機制讓搜尋商機更簡單迅速!其中有一個功能--Global Exhibition Center」,提供了我第一手的展覽情報以及展會基本訊息,仔細著磨後才發現,ttnet.netGlobal Exhibition Center裡面規劃了一個叫做Show by Classification的空間讓全球的觀展者能夠用月份、產業別、地點去搜尋全球的展覽,同時也讓展覽主辦單位能夠隨時利用Show Management這個一個網路平台去拓展展覽的知名度、展覽基本訊息如時間、地點、主要展品類別等資訊,讓我印象更深刻的是,Global Exhibition 裡還規劃了Featured Organizer這麼一個功能,讓展會主辦單位能夠在ttnet.net的網站裡享有自己專屬的網頁方便隨時更新有關展覽的最新消息。


The more computerized our lives become, the more indispensable computers are to us, and needless to say what Internet brings us,-- the convenience and efficiency. However, in my opinion it is this fast and massive information uploading characteristics that take us even more time when searching through the Internet for information we really want! How conflicting!

The other days when I was doing my research about general ideas of exhibitions held around the world by first key in” global exhibitions” in some famous search engine, page of page information kept coming out like rain pouring from the sky, it seemed to be cheering, but getting annoyed little by little when I realized how disordered these information can be. Not until did I glance at these few words” ttnet.net , ” that I change my mind to give up, many may wonder what ttnet.net really is just like I first did. It’s a B to B platform, an on line marketplace, and a paradise for business men all over the world. Although it sounds quite exaggerating, but it’s the way I feel after I get to know it. It has website in English, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese which is designed for globally browsing. Unlike traditional information providing websites’ being complicated, it creates a clear and users friendly interface with simple colors for users to get the whole ideas of ttnet.net’s website easily and efficiently in searching of trading information. One of it’s main function “ Global Exhibition Center” provides me with first hand exhibition information through it’s several sub-functions. “Show by Classification” allows me to search different kinds of exhibition by month, industries, or locations, meanwhile, another sub-function called” Show Management” gives show organizers a space to raise their shows public profiles, such as the show schedules and main exhibits. What makes me even more impressed is this “ Featured Organizers, ” this is for show organizers to have company front page of their own under ttnet.net’s website which information about shows can be immediately updated.

In my opinion, ttnet.net systematically organizes all those huge and chaotic business information and data into one uses oriented website, which not only offers an online platform between buyers, manufacturers, and sellers but also being a carrier of world’s trading trends and opportunities. And this really overthrows my opinions toward media companies!!

