2008年10月27日 星期一



1983年於西雅圖(Seattle)成立的Costco,是美國最大的流通量販店,分佈於美國、加拿大、墨西哥、英國、台灣、韓國、日本等七國,共有 518家賣場,超過4,500萬名會員,年營業額高達新台幣1.4兆元。Costco在1997年進入台灣市場,以高雄為起點,1999年開始北上拓點。





哈佛大學社會學系教授丹尼‧貝爾(Daniel Bell)指出,大部份企業都具有二至六項決定是否成功的關鍵要素(Critical Success Factors),企業想成功當然沒問題,但是,切記要對這些關鍵要素多加琢磨。


引進POS系統進行銷貨管理不算新聞,但Costco是與軟體服務的第一品牌IBM合作,將進銷存、會員資料、帳務及市調系統整合在同一平台上。IBM提供了包括前端的IBM SurePOS 4694銷售點系統及SA(Supermarket Application)超級市場應用程式,整個系統的應用範圍除了前端的結帳、進銷存管理,還包含後端財會等資訊管理。










2008年10月21日 星期二

物流文章分享 - 1



(1). 物流費用冰山說



(2). 第三利潤泉源說



















2008年10月17日 星期五




針對這項課程,ttnet.net 特別邀請業界專家,帶領各位從基本面開始,逐步瞭解國際物流和操作上應注意之事項,在迥異的貿易條件及國際物流環境中迅速掌握物流管理的核心與能力,乘風破浪迎向商機!

此外,ttnet.net 有感全球經濟面臨不斷接踵而來的原油、原物料價格高漲等問題,企業更需要符合實際又有效率的推廣策略,將產品成功推向國際市場,因此,在物流課程之後,我 們也將為您介紹,如何透過資訊流串聯,行最有效的產品推廣通路,持續維持其競爭力,讓 ttnet.net 與您攜手,一起對抗通膨!

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13:50~14:50貿易實務中物流操作面面觀 Part I (萬達物流整合行銷部經理/潘偉閎)

14:50~15:10 Tea time

15:10~15:40貿易實務中物流操作面面觀 Part II (萬達物流整合行銷部經理/潘偉閎)

15:40~16:10如何面對通澎,選擇最有效行銷通路 (全世握資訊)

16:10~16:20 Q&A




2008年10月16日 星期四

Fastener Industry Holds the World Together

Fastener demands are subject to the boom-bust cycle of global economic climate. Generally speaking, more industrialized, more fasteners needed. The demands will rise with increases in construction activity and manufacturing output, particularly in production of motor vehicles, aircrafts, electrical /electronics, appliances, furniture/office equipments and other equipment in which fasteners are essential components. Industrial fasteners are generally classified as standards, specials, or proprietary designs, in members fundamentally of bolts, screws, socket screws, cap screws, studs, nuts, washers, blind rivets, pins, inserts, tapping screws, machine screws, set screws, SEMS, and rivets and special industrial fasteners. Non-threaded standard fasteners continue to outsell other types in fastener family spurred by growth in global construction expenditures and backed by stepped-up spending for aircraft and military equipment in many areas. Nevertheless, the sales of application-specific fasteners soar at a faster pace than the standardized products and more OEMs replace non-specialized items with application-specific designs.

Recent innovations and improvement on fastener design spotlight on new generations of self-locking and self-sealing fasteners. The newest generation of self-locking fasteners threaded highlights a promising future for manufacturers seeking for the fasteners with greater strength and reliability, achieved by reduced product weight, heightened joint strength, better resistance to vibration, temperature extremes, axial-torsion loading and less material fatigue. Lately, there is a new look in fastener family called flexible fastener. It looks like a normal bolts or screw, except the shank is composed of a flexible material such as nylon or steel cable, which allows the bolt to bend or flex laterally, yet not stretch axially. The fastener can be used to secure surfaces various types of surfaces either non-parallel or non-aligned where compliance is needed, owing to production or construction errors.

Market Snapshots

Fastener are big business. World fastener market scale is predicted to reach US$46 billion in 2006, up 4.8 % than the previous year, and to hit US$55 billion by 2010, boosted by forthcoming economic expansion within the developing nations of Asia Pacific Rim, Mideast, Latin American and Eastern European regions. Robust growth will also be seen in India, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, Turkey and Russia. The growths in the above-mentioned areas tend to outpace those in the US, Western Europe and Japan. The price war of fasteners continued for several years, which made many industrial players struggle to live out. Recently, the price competition is somewhat eased, not as fierce as in the previous years.


U.S. Fastener industry operates nearly 350 manufacturing facilities with 40,000 employees. Every year, there are over 200 billion fasteners consumed mainly by the miscellaneous industries of automobile, aircraft, appliances, agricultural machinery and equipment, and the construction of commercial buildings and infrastructure. Among them, 26 billion pieces are used solely by the auto industry. In recent years, growth in fastener demand slow down as manufacturing output and construction spending moderate. However, U.S. is still the biggest buyer of fastener products. The country imports more than US$3 billions worth of fasteners from China, Taiwan and Japan annually.


China consumes 9% of world demands and surpasses Japan as the second largest fastener market in the world behind the US. At present, there are nearly 8,000 fastener enterprises in China. In the first half of 2006, the export value of China fasteners totaled 1.229 billion US dollars, or 40% of the national fastener output. Invariably, price maintains a crucial factor in decision-making. Buyers from the EU, the US and Australia prefer to buy more affordable fasteners made in China. Local enterprises are working on transfer the low-end bolts and nuts under the property class of 8.8 to the higher-ends of property class from 6.8 to 10.9. Since fastener technology has been relatively mature in China, the significance of differentiation has been constantly discussed. Recently, China government promotes local enterprises with "Made by China" program, namely by resorting to brand strategy, international standards such as GB, DIN, JIS and IFI, etc. and well-known certifications to overall upgrade the industry from labor-intensive low-ends to tech-based, value-added high-ends. ISO 9001 or ISO/TS 16949 is essential certification required to improve the quality, service and logistics.


Taiwan exports more than 90% of the Fastener it produces every year. Nowadays, Taiwan has shifted from mass production mode to customized service provider. Proprietary design fasteners are made to the patented designs, licensed to several manufacturers, for threads, drive types, head types, locking devices, points, etc. For industrial upgrading, the quality-uplifting financing program of US$875,000 was officially approved by the government, aiming to boost its exports of automotive fasteners to 40% of its total export from current 20% in two years. Meanwhile, the program hopes to increase retail price from about US$1.9 per kilogram on average, barely of 40% of the average price of Japan-made products to US$2.2 per kilogram in 2009 and US$2.87 in 2014.

Article from TTnet.net

2008年10月8日 星期三

2006 Security System Trend Notes

Security sector has been boomed for years, dancing with increasing public concern on security issue. Industrial players are brainstorming to develop brand-new and more innovative security systems for buildings. Popular is integrated concept, namely the hybrid of mechanical Security technology, electronic access control, video monitoring, fire alarms and intruder detector systems.

However, the mechanical locksets, safes and vaults are still widely used in new buildings or for remolding purpose. In PRACTICAL WORLD Cologne, we were convinced that electronic security systems function more as a complement than a replacement for mechanics. New mechanical locking technology aims at improved burglary prevention. For instance, the solution comes in innovative reversible key systems with security features, compliant with the rule of "one key for all doors" and keys that provide enhanced protection against moisture and temperature fluctuations, making them suitable for use in cold-storage facilities or dockyards. Lock cylinders are made more resistant by building appropriate locking tools into the cylinders. With regard to safeguarding escape routes, self-locking locks with built-in panic function are one of major focal points. The safes of user-friendly interfaces become mingled with interior designs, which are setting a trend away from mechanics towards mechatronics or electronics.

The biometric identification technology, basically fingerprint identification and facial and iris recognition emerges to be used on security systems, highly promising and potential in near future. Non-contact electronic control systems in use of transponder technology ensure the optimized comfort and humanist way of recognition. Biometric components now comprise only 1% of all components used in admission control systems, however, it is expected to increase to as much as 10% in a few years. The biometric-based Security system will be spurred by the rising identification demands in banks, large IT companies, where high security is required and international airports against ubiquitous terrorist activities.

The designs of mechanical security systems focus not only on the pure functional aspect, but also on aesthetic properties. Although brass is still a significant material for locks, used to beautify the appearance of overall systems, stainless steel grows more popular to render a sense of clean-look and contemporary. Special surface treatments grant diversified attractive variants. There is a comeback of classic designs, especially on bronze locks. Exquisite designs can be frequently seen on door handles and furniture fittings.

Article from TTnet.net

2008年10月2日 星期四

A Quick Look on Fastener and Bearing Industries

INDUSTRIAL FASTNERS are generally classified as standards, specials, or proprietary designs, in members fundamentally of metal bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, washers, formed and threaded wire goods and special industrial fasteners. Standard fasteners are mass-produced, and typically cold-headed threaded parts.

China is the fastest-growing supplying nation in this field thanks to the advantages of cheaper labors and raw materials, along with land acquisition. Special fasteners are usually based on standard designs, yet sometimes incorporate non-standard tolerances, pitch and diameter combinations, drives, lengths, etc. or made in assigned requirements on alloys or separate secondary operations including drilling and punching.

Taiwan has shifted from mass production mode to customized special fastener supplier. Proprietary design fasteners are made to the patented designs, licensed to several manufacturers, for threads, drive types, head types, locking devices, points and more.

fasteners are big business. For instance, every year, U.S., the biggest buyer, consumes over 200 billion fasteners. And automobile industry alone uses 26 billion pieces in 2005. The booms of fasteners industry in the Asian Pacific Rim, mainly Taiwan, Japan and China enable these countries to expand exporting territories to U.S., Mexico, Canada, Europe, and South America. In 2004, the consumption of fasteners in U.S. reached $9,878 billion. Total imported value of $3,065 billion worth of fasteners was primarily from Taiwan (US$1,715 billion), Japan (US$501 billion), and from China (US$421 billion). Oncoming global consolidation and acquisitions make large companies even bigger. This enables them to devote to the development of highly engineered, technologically advanced fasteners and offering value-added customer services such as “just in time” (JIT) delivery and customer-designed or specialized design/engineering services.

BEARINGS are basically used to ease friction between moving parts or to carry load in certain industries such as those that handle materials. They can be broadly categorized into two segments, bimetals and anti-friction bearings. There are four main types of bearings, including ball bearings, cylindrical roller bearings, taper roller bearings and needle roller bearings.

Bearings are generally regarded as a barometer of the country's technical advancement since they function as the backbone of the national industrial future.

Bearings are largely used in automobile industry, followed by general engineering, electrical industries, heavy industry and railways industry. The materials used to manufacture bearings vary from conventional steel to ceramics, brass and plastics. The most common material used to produce bearing rings, balls and rollers is alloy steel conforming to specifications SAE 52100. Still, this standard material is also distinguished by if it can render prolonged life span and improved quality on purity and oxygen content.

In response to ever-changing market demands, industrial players focus on developing bearings with reinforced compactness, reduced weight and noise, greater speed capability, higher accuracy, longer life, and better performance such as on extremely low and high temperatures and vacuums. In addition, bearing suppliers are also ready to provide technical supports to customers from development to mass production in meet their specific needs throughout all stages.

Article from TTnet.net
