2008年4月29日 星期二

Trends Watch on 2008 Auto Parts Industry

Trends Watch on 2008 Auto Parts Industry

For recent years, carmakers have been fighting for price reductions from customers and surging gasoline price, material costs, along with shadowing global inflation. The mounting cost pressure forces them to gain components from offshore manufacturers, which has been reshaping the global landscape of auto parts sourcing. US automotive downturn is mainly triggered by diminished consumer purchasing power and the burst of the "mortgage bubble". US sales of new cars and light trucks are predicted to drop below 16 million units in 2008. Light trucks, such as SUVs, CUVs, pickups, minivan and vans, made up 53% of the sales mix in 2007, could shrink to a 10-year low of 15.8 million units. The slowdown is spreading to other markets, particularly in Western European countries. But Eastern Europe will continue to expand at a rapid pace, with 4.3% compound annual growth by 2011. Russia will become the largest automotive sales market for new cars in Europe by 2010 as the larger European markets remain stagnant. Growths in the burgeoning markets, especially China, Brazil, and India, keep on and are still likely to lead global growth. In 2007, there were 8.7915 million vehicles sold in China, grew by 1.576 million or up by 21.84% compared to 2006 and will reach to 10 million vehicles by the end of 2008.

The auto parts industry is mainly for the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) market and the replacement parts market, or aftermarket. The global aftermarket industry approximates $300 billion while the light truck aftermarket accounts for $190 billion values. In US, the sales of light-truck performance parts and accessories have doubled over the past decade years, hit $13 billion in 2007, supporting 232 million vehicles on the road. Vehicles are becoming more and more durable across all vehicle types as those over 10 years old continue to comprise the lion’s share of dollars spent, reaching more than $80 billion.

Tuning, Do-it-yourself on the Rise

There are more vehicles on the roads, more cars look similar, and, therefore, the more and more motorists tend to individualize their own cars. Gen-Y drivers are most enthusiastic to personalize their vehicles with audio-system upgrades, aftermarket exhaust systems, tires and wheels and exterior styling accessories as the top alternatives. Apart from aesthetics, safety is certainly a major concern. Here, we're also seeing a booming DIY market. By a survey, over 53% of motorists, male and female alike, are interested in repair works and feel they are personally capable of doing light maintenance involved in installing parts such as brake shoes, pads, headlamps, batteries, wiper blades and alternators to save repair expenses. Among them, 13% motorists feel they are capable of performing medium maintenance and repair works, which is require the higher knowledge and level of expertise such as replacing fuel injectors and head gaskets.

In-vehicle Consumer Electronics

According to a survey by the Consumer Electronics Association, the sales of in-vehicle consumer electronics are expected to increase at a rate of 13% in 2008 to exceed $12.8 billion. The most popular items are remote vehicle starters, in-dash navigation systems and car alarms, required for flexibility and multi-location use. Motorists also prefer to outfit their vehicles with the latest in-vehicle information and entertainment technology like satellite radio, HD radio and DVD players to make their driving on the road safer and more enjoyable.

"Going Green" Concern

Motorists are more aware of worsening global warming and other environmentally conscious issues. The carbon dioxide concentrations have soared record-high levels in the atmosphere after increasing at an accelerated pace in the past years. In response to this, automakers are urged to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles and fossil fuel reliance. They are developing innovative emission and idling reduction technologies to elevate fuel economy, launching plug-in hybrids and providing a broad technology portfolio of series solutions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Automakers claim that such a goal will be realized through the use of alternative fuel autos (AFAs). Now, there are sixty models of AFAs available and more are in development, including hybrid-electric, clean diesel, ethanol capable and others. Advanced vehicles need advanced fuels, including ultra low sulfur diesel, E85 ethanol, bio-diesel, hydrogen and electricity. However, the more bio-fuels such as ethanol and bio-diesel, are used, the more corns, more soy bean and more sugarcane are consumed not as foods, which continues to fuel the price hikes of grains and meats.

Fighting for Spiraling Gas Price

Recently, global demand for oil and gas keeps increasing at an unprecedented rate. Skyrocketing gas price over a record $4 a gallon signals a possible hike over the next few months. To combat spiraling gasoline price, more and more new-vehicle shoppers are looking for more fuel-efficient vehicles and car drivers are managing to control their monthly energy bills by employing energy-efficiency measures or resort to the state-of-the-art fuel-economy technologies. Fuel efficiency becomes dominant factor on influencing their vehicle maintenance decisions, surpassing dependability and safety. Motorists are seeking fuel efficiency through vehicle maintenance. In fact, by properly maintained, vehicles are not only more fuel efficient, but also safer and environmental friendlier. That also enables a tremendous marketing opportunity for aftermarket service and parts businesses.

Better Fuel Economy Solutions

Most attempts to enhance fuel efficiency spotlight on ancillary technologies like refinements in the fuel injection, ignition or valve timing. Some technologies such as the gasoline-electric hybrid and "clean diesel" are being applied for better fuel economy. In 2007, new hybrid vehicle sales reached over 350,000 units in 2007, even though the fuel efficiency capabilities of hybrid vehicles seem to be somewhat overestimated. For better fuel economy, there is an improvement on engine efficiency with associated reduction inheat lost from the combustion process. Since longer idling time wastes fuel, spoils engines and produces unnecessary extra emissions into the air, here comes a new technology to generate heat so quickly as to delete these unwanted situations. For less power consumption and longer longevity, LEDs now are used with xenon headlamps, even with double light output but only a third less energy thanhalogen bulbs. By the uses of LEDs for full-functions forward lighting on vehicles, it is feasible to reduce fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.

Crash Avoidance Technology

By a statistics in the US, total collision repair industry sales grow 5.8% to about $40 billion per year. By this, motorists are looking for the latest blind spot detection technology to avoid collision. Blind spot detection is a system that can identify vehicles or objects within a vehicle's blind spots and provide an audible, visual warning orvibrate the vehicle's steering wheel or seat as a lane change is doing. Lane departure warning system functions when a car is wandering out of its lane, without a turn signal being activated, and gives a warning to the driver.

Article from ttnet.net

2008年4月24日 星期四

五月感恩禮 健康新選擇




所謂精油,是一種利用各種化學或物理方法,從植物的根、莖、葉、種子或花朵中萃取出來,具揮發性、高濃度的芳香物質。這種純天然植物精華,稱為essential oil,大多具有抗菌、安撫情緒、緩和緊張等作用。由於先前芳香療法紅極一時,相信許多人都知道,不同的精油成分會使人產生不同的情緒及身體反應,不過可能只有少數人瞭解,其實精油透過按摩沐浴薰蒸、嗅吸、按敷…等方式的不同,發揮的效果也有所不同。



泡澡,是消除疲勞與壓力的一種有效方式。不管是泡溫泉、冷泉,還是在家放一缸溫熱的水,滴上幾滴精油,讓整個身心沉浸在舒緩鎮靜的香氛中,都能讓身心立即輕鬆自在。而半身浴,又是泡澡最健康的方式;無論是冷颼颼的寒流天,還是三十幾度的酷暑,都不會對身體造成多餘的負擔。常做半身浴,不但能有效改善因工作久坐、久站引起的下身水腫、靜脈曲張問題,搭配按摩,還能 改善媽媽們最常見的下半身肥胖,同時讓肌膚更加緊實有彈性。若加上沐浴刷推脂按摩器按摩 滾輪,或是沐浴專用的防水型電動按摩器等小道具輔助,還能讓效果再加倍。






嚴格說來,熱敷墊並不算什麼新產品,不過,在廠商不斷改良、創新下,不論外型、材質或功能,全都讓人耳目一新。以攜帶型的熱敷墊來說,形狀從早期呆板的四四方方,到現在卡哇伊的心型、無尾熊、Hello Kitty…等;造型上的丕變,已讓熱敷墊從自用的居家護理用品,變成送得出手的貼心小禮。而在材質與功能方面,同樣也不可同日而語;不管是隔水加熱、微波加熱,或是運用物理變化加熱,使用上都簡單方便了許多。












2008年4月16日 星期三

Electronic Component Market Snapshot

Electronic components are at the core of all electric and electronic products and systems. The active components and passive component make the whole picture of electronic industry. The former typically encompasses semiconductors such as transistors, diodes, microprocessors, memories, power devices, as the latter include resistors, capacitors, ferrites, inductors, low and high frequency filters. Overall, the industry lasts to remain very innovative, competitive and ever-changing.

Active Component Market


2004 was a fruitful year for the semiconductor industry, with global value of $213 billion, a rise of 28% over 2003. However, in 2005, the growth of semiconductor sales shrank sequentially in all geographic regions except the Asia-Pacific region, which inching up by 8.1%. Yet, in the second quarter of 2005, capacity utilization showed somewhat improved, with overall utilization rising to 89% from 86% of the first quarter.

In DRAM sector, cost reductions owing to increased production at advanced plants using 12-inch wafers, and some supply limitations owing to DRAM makers shifting production to flash memory, should elevate companies' profitability in the third quarter of 2005. According to a new survey by Gartner, global semiconductor capital equipment sales are on pace to decrease about 12% to $33.1 billion in 2005, while last year equipment sales increased sharply to correct a serious under investment in equipment in the face of strong semiconductor demand. Now production capacity exceeds demand, and equipment manufacturers are seeing weaker demand. Worldwide wafer fab equipment spending is projected to decline 9.6% to $25.5 billion in 2005 and predicted to decline in 2006 as well and come back to positive growth in 2007.


The global shipment of large-sized thin film transistor-liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) panels celebrated their record-high sales of about 50 million units (global revenue as US$9.6 billion) in the second quarter of 2005, up 16% from the previous quarter, according to DisplaySearch. The increasingly stable prices and increasing shipment tend to boost the total global third-quarter revenue of large-sized panels to a new quarterly high of about US$11.1 billion. The second-quarter global revenue was US$9.6 billion. Notebook PC panel shipments inched up 9% quarter to quarter and 30% year-to-year to 13.9 million units in the second quarter of 2005. LCD monitor panel shipments jumped 17% Q/Q and 45% Y/Y to 28.3 million units. The 17-inch monitors are still king, rising to over 60% in the second quarter of 2005.

The shipment volume of 19-inch LCD monitor panels exceed its popularity over 15-inch with its share rising to 22%, while 15-inch panels dropped to 14%. LCD monitor panel revenues grew 19% Q/Q, but fell 12% Y/Y, to US$5 billion. LCD TV panel shipment soared 39% Q/Q and 84% Y/Y to six million units. 32-inch 1,366X768 pixel panels replaced 20-inch VGA as the dominant panel size with a 106% Q/Q growth. LCD TV panel revenue rose 41% Q/Q and 40% Y/Y to US$2.3B, overtaking notebook panels for the first time.

Passive Component Market

Generally speaking, the demands of passive components are often driven by those of active components. For example, every new semiconductor, even replacing some of the passive functions, generates new requirements in volume and performance for passive components. And a state-of-the-art processor typically demands 350 passive components around it, and digital TV shows more wanting needs for passives. Passive components continue to incorporate and integrate new functions, increase performance and minimize in sizes to adapt to the compact devices. The miniaturization of passive components has been even stronger than that of semiconductors over the last eleven years.

Passives are big deals, representing over $30 billion business worldwide. Mainland China and Taiwan are two major production centers as the former has nearly 1,200 makers and latter about 500. The both together manufacture about 980 billion units of passive components, basically in the form of capacitors, resistors and inductors. The output of capacitors in China reached 222 billion units in 2004 and estimated to grow 20% in 2005 and 2006 respectively. Taiwan accounts for about 8% of world capacitor output and 30% of MLCC(multi-layer ceramic capacitors), marking US$923 million in sales turnover for capacitors in 2004. Sales revenues are predicted to climb to US$1.02 billion and US$1.13 billion in 2005 and 2006 respectively, according to the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI).

Unit production is forecast to reach 276 billion by 2005 and 330 billion in 2006. Passive components represent 7 billion Euros sales in Europe, yet only accounting for 2% of the value of electronic equipment and systems, namely a small percentage in value, yet in a large percentage in number, about 70% of the components used in electronic equipment and systems.

The global passive-component industry will grow 12-15% in 2005. However, the excess inventory can be worked off by the end of this year. In the first quarter of 2005, growing demand for handsets in Japan and China fueled the momentum for passive components.

Article from ttnet.net ttnet.net

2008年4月8日 星期二

休閒‧環保‧健康‧時尚 單車運動 踩出上億商機





此外,行政院體育委員會也於2007年正式宣布,將每年五月的第一個星期六訂為「台灣自行車日」(Taiwan Bike Day),五月為自行車月。而因應台灣單車騎乘與運動休閒人口的快速成長,外貿協會也在每年三月以外銷為導向的「台北國際自行車貿易展」外,另增辦了唯一的運動產業內銷展「台灣運動暨休閒產業展」,且今年的展會(7/18~21)更將07年廣受好評的「單車休閒館」獨立出來,做為該展的核心主軸。




其他像是知名直銷商安麗集團和聯合報系贊助「鐵馬家族環球行」活動,國際牌冷氣搭配名牌自行車作為提高冬季購買率企劃,通路業者7-ELEVEN與捷安特合作推出2008最新車款預購活動…等等,都足見各大型企業想要利用異業結盟方式抓住這股錢潮。此外,生活品牌「無印良品」,名牌四輪BMW、Mercedes-Benz、Porsche、Audi、Fiat為了營造機動性強、健康活力、注重環保等優質形象,及進一步培養潛在消費者,也紛紛撈過界,跨領域推出自有品牌腳踏車,直攻雅痞與頂級客層。而為了推行台灣觀光自行車島計畫,CHC自行車暨健康科技中心所推出的www.bikelane.org.tw網站,目前除做為台灣自行車騎乘人文景觀及知識共享平台外,也以B to C和B to B等方式提供給跨領域產業聯盟做為溝通及行銷平台



2008年4月2日 星期三



慶祝兒童節,文具書籍玩具…等多項好禮,正是為兒童準備一份愛的禮物,來添加節日的歡樂氣氛,也增加紀念價值。在這資訊 數位時代,給兒童個人的學用品上,多了數位化商品在市面上,例如兒童個人電腦,易學、易玩、易攜帶,價格上很實惠,功能上也採「直覺圖像式操作介面」,對兒童而言是很特別的禮物,並可與父母親家人一同研究電腦,拉近了親子互動的關係。

而在文具市場上,總是歡樂無比;各式各樣的卡通型文具,一直是受小朋友的青睞,這些無聲好伙伴,讓學童學習生活不枯燥,熱鬧滾滾!而且套裝文具組合,文具、水彩筆…等,很受孩童們的喜歡,送禮也很體面。另外,學習環境多元化,熱門的益智文具,能動動手,又能動動腦,訓練孩子腦力,激盪激發創意,增加辨識及反應能力,或培養3D 空間概念,一直是老師、家長們極為重視。



天空中無數彩球高飛,兒童心情跟著High!隨風飄的氣球,總是兒童們心目中最開心的玩伴,氣球可以帶著兒童們的心四處旅行!在兒童節個人禮品市場上,正流行多樣化及個性化的商品,魔彩列印氣球,只要使用一般噴墨印表機列印,輕輕鬆鬆就可以列印出屬於個人獨特的魔彩相片氣球。魔彩列印氣球,有了新的造型及各種花樣,成了明顯醒目色彩繽紛的氣球。優良的魔彩列印氣球,利用特別的相紙 防水 塗層及特殊的加工成型,有圓形、心形、星形3種形狀可供選擇,並有18cm、28cm、65cm、93cm…等尺寸,讓送禮者選的安心,使兒童拿著開心的歡呼!捷羽科技有限公司的魔彩列印氣球,可依照個人喜好,挑選氣球的形狀,及300多種節慶系列花邊圖案,再搭配免費提供之製作軟體,簡單操作又可以選擇自己喜歡的花邊,和喜愛的照片,製作屬於自己獨一無二的可愛魔彩列印氣球。一顆顆變化多彩的魔彩列印氣球,熱鬧消費市場,讓兒童的心也跟著飛揚!當準備了豐富的兒童節禮品,再加上氣球佈置,及每個小朋友手裡都拿著屬於自己的相片氣球,讓小朋友在節日裡充滿了想像與歡笑!送給兒童們的禮物,就是要能吸引人,又可以讓人產生好奇感,所以送給兒童的禮品一定要有特色,讓小朋友過著開心、驚喜的一天。煞費苦心精選的兒童節禮品,有益兒童心智發展或增添娛樂的禮物,如兒童書籍、文具組、DIY玩具…等,產品內容生動,材質精緻;還有贈送炫彩妝扮的禮物,來吸引孩童目光;感恩實業有限公司研發Cool炫的造型太陽眼鏡,以超透明的PET材質,經過電鍍成了銀色炫光,再加工變造型,配上多彩鍍鍊圈鏡架,戴在鼻樑上,像兩朵可愛的小花朵在跳舞,讓孩童成了閃亮之星!外型超Q的獨特造型眼鏡,具環保又耐熱不變形,輕巧簡單閃亮亮,讓童心在節日裡Bling!Bling!



Happy 兒童節,兒童節禮品主要贈送的對象是國小學童、幼稚園兒童,學校、園所、補習班或家長們多會為孩童挑選禮物,更帶動了一陣消費熱潮,也成了眾多商家競爭的重點。禮物多兼顧趣味與實用,才足以分享兒童節的喜悅氣氛;送給小朋友的禮物,慎選產品材質,注意產品品質,並考慮實用性、價格實惠與否,且有利於兒童腦力開發,有益於健康成長,就是最貼心的好禮物!當然,小小主人翁是否喜歡,才是最重要!在兒童節,這個特別的日子,充滿歡樂與愛的時刻,別出心裁送禮給孩童,希望孩童們快快樂樂的享受童年生活,平平安安長大,有形的禮,無限祝福!

