2008年3月26日 星期三











2008年3月19日 星期三

World Plastic Sector Briefing

Annual global production of plastics is estimated at 273.3 billions pounds. The plastics processing industry is prominent in every aspect of modern life. As new polymers and composite materials
are introduced by the chemical industry , so the industry is constantly refining and adding products to those that have been made over many decades. In its early years, the plastics industry greatly benefited from the substitution of plastic for other materials including various metals , wood , paper, glass, cardboard and natural fibres, etc. However, as a mature industry, the possibilities for substitution are limited, leading to greater dependence on economic growth and the expansion of demand in plastic's existing markets. The industry is also vulnerable to volatility in the global price of oil and gas feedstocks, used by the chemical industry to produce its raw and semi-finished materials.

Plastics Largely Demanded from Vehicles

Plastics are widely used in automobiles today. According to statistics, automobiles contain some 100 plastic parts of different size and materials, weighing 10-15% by weight with a clear tendency to grow. In past two decades, the use of plastics in cars has jumped by 114 percent. It is surveyed that without plastics today's cars would be at least 200 kg heavier. Plastics are loved mainly due to their lightweight property, which enable the automobile industry to save weight and thus, build energy-efficient automobiles. By statistics, 100 kg of plastics parts in cars reduces oil consumption by about 12 million tones each year in Europe, reducing CO2 emissions by 30 million tones a year.

In China, it is predicted that there is a 400 percent increase in vehicle production between 2004 and 2020, and those vehicles will need a lot of plastic parts. Thanks to exploding demand for plastic materials in recent years, China has become the world's top market for plastics production machinery, accounting for 16.4% of the worlds' total consumption. As demand for plastic products has increased, the plastic processing industrial sector has grown in response. The demand for high-tech, high precision plastic production machinery has risen. Local products cannot meet the rapidly growing demand in terms of quality and technology. China needs to import a great deal of equipment annually, accounting for around 56% of the total market. China's importation of plastics production machinery has remained high in recent years.

US Plastic Container Sales Expected to Exceed 165 Billion Units in 2008

Plastics features lightweight, resistance to breakage and affordability, which makes them superior to glass, paperboard and metal as containers. Thanks to the property in packaging application superior to paperboard, metal and glass, plastic container demand in US is predicted to surpass 165 billion units in 2008, namely requiring more than 14 billion pounds of resin. By 2008, the demand for plastic bottles will approximate 110 billion units, universally boosted by the fast penetration of plastic bottles into smaller container sizes because of advances in barrier properties and consumer preferences for convenient and portable containers.

Besides, cans, squeeze tubes and trays also have promising prospects. Plastic cans are favored from wider applications like coffee, snack food and paint packaging, with a trend to take the place of metal ones. Plastic cups, bowls and tubs, mainly in polypropylene are increasingly demanded basically in single serving forms, such as fresh fruit, gelatin, pudding, dry snack foods, cereal, baby food and soups.

Among resins, HDPE, mostly-applied plastic container resin, continues to decline while PET and polypropylene celebrate robust growth due to speedy expansion in beverage applications. Polypropylene, with cost and weight reduction advantages over HDPE in dairy product containers and even cheaper than PET, is becoming more and more popular as the fastest-growing resin, widely applied in tubs, cups and bowls, trays, bottles and cans. The advantages of polypropylene bottles also include good clarity, natural translucency, moisture and impact resistance, chemical inertness, lightweight, durability and excellent dimensional stability. The demand of polypropylene resin for container production is predicted to climb 6.3% per year to 965 million pounds in 2008.

Global Plastic Pipe Output to Hit 6.3 Billion Meters by 2007

The building and construction (B/C) industries are major pipe users. Due to its low cost, durability, strength and easier for extrusion, Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) lasts to govern plastic pipe market as the most-frequently used resin, enjoying over two-thirds of plastic pipe demand. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipes celebrate robust demand all over the world, favored by increasing uses of small-diameter pipe in natural gas transmission, as conduit for electrical and telecommunications applications, and as corrugated pipe for drains and sewers.

Global demand for plastic pipe is predicted to grow more than 4 percent per year through 2007, topping 6.3 billion meters. Although battling with other materials such as concrete, metals and vitrified clay thanks to its durability, ease to install and low cost, plastic pipes will continue to outpace growth for overall pipe demand, accounting for 47 percent of the total. General speaking, the growing momentum comes from some developing regions such as Latin America, Africa/Mid-east and the Asia/Pacific region due to ongoing infrastructure development. U.S. is the biggest consuming nation, with demand expected to increase 2.5 percent per year through 2007 to 15.5 billion feet, spurred by improved fixed investment activities, continued highway and street construction, and the rehabilitation of aging or obsolete sewer, drainage and municipal drinking water systems. In EU, the spending on construction will bode well thanks to improved economic conditions. Farewell to zero economic growth, Japanese plastic pipe demand will pick up, reversing years-long declines. China has become the world's pipe manufacturing center, and is a major exporter of products to the U.S., as are other Asian producers.

In recent years, consolidation, restructuring and retrenchment in manufacturing and other industries also have adversely affected the pipe industries.

From ttnet.net

2008年3月10日 星期一

豬寶寶誕生潮 引爆婦幼用品商機











而這些Baby精品,其實也像成人精品一樣,具有增值的作用。不過最重要的,當然還是長輩祝福的心意與紀念價值。比如Cartier的幸運手鍊,便是取材自英國的傳統;在英國,每個小女孩一出生,長輩就會送一條上面掛了一個墜飾的幸運手鍊,每過一次生日,再贈送一個新的墜飾,因此意義非凡。而Cartier新推出的Baby charm系列鍊墜,更進一步以紀錄新生兒出生狀況為設計主題,如尺墜可刻錄身高、砝碼墜能紀錄體重、代表男女性別的鍊墜上可以刻上姓名…等等,既是完整的出生紀錄,也是獨一無二的飾品







2008年3月5日 星期三

Electrical - Electrical Industry in Mixed Moods

While the electrical market lasts to mature, original equipment manufacturers (OEM), original design manufacturer (ODM) and moulders confront mounting pressure to reduce costs as struggling to achieve the optimal balance of functionality, appearance, productivity and cost reduction. However, dangers sometimes come with chances. Up-and-coming global outsourcing tide brings hopes to contract manufacturers. In facing the changeover, they react with mingled mood, half caution and half relief.
Motors Sizzling with Growing Replacement Demands
Although motors fix to their traditional design architecture, the innovation of miniature DC drive systems never ceases as industrial players continue to combat in achieving the next level of miniaturization, power to volume, and precision. Manufacturers work hard to customize to clients' needs by providing a wide spectrum of custom and semi-standard options, including special bearing systems and lubrication, special commutation and brush systems, special coil voltages, extended temperature range versions, custom lead wires connectors, and cabling, modified shaft configurations, thru-shafts, and hollow shafts and modified motor geometry. Large IEC frame motors, which consist of frame sizes IEC80 to IEC500, account for the biggest share of market revenue and over the next few years is predicted to remain the major revenue contributor. Motor continues to be a sizzling market. According to the latest statistics from IMS Research, the low voltage segment of this market in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) is expected to reach $1.7 billion. A crucial factor that contributes to this market's overall robustness is the high proportion of motors that are made each year for replacement.
From ttnet.net

Electrical - Electrical Industry in Mixed Moods

While the electrical market lasts to mature, original equipment manufacturers (OEM), original design manufacturer (ODM) and moulders confront mounting pressure to reduce costs as struggling to achieve the optimal balance of functionality, appearance, productivity and cost reduction. However, dangers sometimes come with chances. Up-and-coming global outsourcing tide brings hopes to contract manufacturers. In facing the changeover, they react with mingled mood, half caution and half relief.

Motors Sizzling with Growing Replacement Demands

Although motors fix to their traditional design architecture, the innovation of miniature DC drive systems never ceases as industrial players continue to combat in achieving the next level of miniaturization, power to volume, and precision. Manufacturers work hard to customize to clients' needs by providing a wide spectrum of custom and semi-standard options, including special bearing systems and lubrication, special commutation and brush systems, special coil voltages, extended temperature range versions, custom lead wires connectors, and cabling, modified shaft configurations, thru-shafts, and hollow shafts and modified motor geometry. Large IEC frame motors, which consist of frame sizes IEC80 to IEC500, account for the biggest share of market revenue and over the next few years is predicted to remain the major revenue contributor. Motor continues to be a sizzling market. According to the latest statistics from IMS Research, the low voltage segment of this market in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) is expected to reach $1.7 billion. A crucial factor that contributes to this market's overall robustness is the high proportion of motors that are made each year for replacement.

Battery Powered up 6.6% through 2008

It is predicted that world demand for primary and secondary batteries will climb 6.6% percent per year through 2008 to $65 billion. The growth momentum mainly comes from some developing regions such as Africa and the Mid-East, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia/Pacific, boosted by regional robust economic growth. Especially, China, Argentina, India, Iran, South Korea and the Ukraine will play the crucial roles too grab the best gains. The markets in industrialized countries like U.S. EU and Japan will also benefited from higher income levels, which result in mounting sales and use of many battery-powered products.

In the past decade years, there were several new batteries launched such as nickel-metal hydride, secondary lithium, zinc-air designs, rechargeable alkaline and lithium-ion, widely applied in portable computers and portable cordless hand tools. First developed in the 1960s and commercialized in 1970s, lithium batteries now have six lithium battery types, approximately 30 commercialized electrode couples, and over thousand specific designs. The new generation of lithium batteries has large scale of sizes available from king-size cells used for powering vehicles or storing significant amounts of utility power to queen-size cells capable of powering micro-electromechanical gears. The lithium battery technology takes the place of once-popular alkaline batteries and NiCad batteries and some tentative uses of NiMH batteries because of its inherent higher energy density, compact and longer operational time to meet the demands of next-generation portable electronics.
The sales of consumer-orient battery will outpace other market segments, spurred by soaring demand for products used to power high-drain portable electronic devices. The demands of non-lead-acid secondary batteries tend to outpace that for primary and lead-acid secondary types through 2008, fueled by the popularity of multifunction handheld devices with reduced recharging time. Lead-acid batteries keep gaining market in terms of value thanks to stronger growth in automotive output as the uses rise from the population of some applications like backup power supplies and industrial motive power.

Relays & Switches Get Minimized

Relays and switches continue to get minimized as jog switches and joy sticks are shrinking in size in offering more sophisticated user interface with cell phones, PDA's, and other consumer electronics. The trend toward smaller loads, voltage, and amperage signal a more significant design challenge to switch and relay manufacturers than minimizing their physical size. Two of the prime drivers heading to smaller loads are portable, rechargeable devices and the nearly ubiquitous. Switch sales improved 17% in the first half of 2004 and soared largely in Q2 2004 as compared to the same period of last year, yet the market has declined in Q3 and predicted to further slow down in 2005. Still the switch market should still outperform the overall economy in 2005.

OEM & ODM Booming with Globalization Outsourcing

It's difficult to find any company that completely manufactures its own products as most manufacturers in Europe and the United States make use of outsourcing to lower overall product cost. In response to changing global economic climate, world major players focus on giving the OEM greater flexibility, improved cost effectiveness, reduced cycle time, reduced time to market, and sustained or higher quality. In this case, outsourcing must be a valuable component of manufacturing strategies. Especially when demand is stable, inventory-holding costs low and labor a high proportion of total costs--overseas production in low-wage countries is a very attractive idea. In addition, when in changing economic situation, outsourcing can minimize the risk of dramatic change on business circle. Industry players could free themselves to spotlight on their core competencies and tighten R&D capability.The original design manufacturers (ODMs) market grows stronger than OEMs (original equipment manufacturer) thanks to they will diversify their product offerings to their OEMs customers. ODMs also tends to outpace the electronics manufacturing services (EMS) market by about 11.5% annually and climb from about $40 billion in 2003 to $101 billion in 2008 while ODMs expand globally by adding product offerings and strengthening their design capabilities. Nevertheless, the EMS market will keep growing while its sales increase from about $92 billion in 2003 to more than $160 billion in 2008.

From ttnet.net

2008年3月4日 星期二

青少年逐漸棄CD而去 iTunes今年內將成全美最大音樂銷售商

根據最新的調整,2007年有 48%-將近一半的青少年沒有購買CD,比2006年的 38%上升不少,音樂下載的大餅正在擴大當中,由Apple inc(AAPL-US;蘋果)iTunes帶起的風潮


這項統計數據揭露了一個訊息,就是蘋果電腦在其中獲利豐厚:蘋果的iTunes只販售數位音樂下載,現在已經超越美國大型電子產品零售商Best Buy(BBY-US),成為全美第二大音樂銷售通路,第一名是主要販賣CD的連鎖零售業者Wal-Mart。

負責調查的 NPD集團音樂部門主管 Russ Crupnick表示,今年內iTunes就會取代Wal-mart,成為最大的音樂銷售商。

目前產業界還在摸索,該如何以數位音樂下載取代流失快速的CD銷售生意。根據研究公司 NPD集團的研究數據,這一波汰舊換新的變化非常迅速,而且由誰領導。

購買線上音樂商店合法音樂的比例提高了,去年有2900萬人都買過線上音樂,2006年時只有2400萬,增加 21%,但是遠遠不及CD銷售量下滑的速度和一般人下載盜版音樂
的比率。根據這份研究數據,去年大約有 100萬消費者不再購買CD。

逛唱片行、買張唱片,已經不再是許多青少年的行為模式,但是越來越多人下載不合法的音樂,去年有 48%的青少年沒買過一張CD,比前年多了 10%。

去年,一般的網路使用者透過非法下載得到超過6%的音樂,非法下載來源包括CD、非法檔案分享,但是這些使用者花費在音樂上的錢卻低於 10%、約40美元,比前年的44美元少了 4美元。

但是這份研究報告指明了一項世代差異,那就是合法線上銷售在 36-50歲的人口中開出紅盤,這給了唱片產業界人士一絲希望,目標瞄準年長成年人的荷包。
